Friday, March 12, 2010

Baa, baa

I really wish there were a way to have an audio file of a sheep bleating when your eyes pass over the title of this blog post.

Shy of that, I'll just have to be satisfied that I now have you hearing the sound now.

We all know (or should know) that I'm a knitter. Sometimes knitterly things show up in the media. Most of the time they're cutsey or just plain shit.

This, however, is brilliant.

As I told B, if we lived in Belgium, we would be going through this company for our natural gas needs based on this commercial alone.

What's even better is that the company did a follow up on how the commercial was made.

I'm of two minds. First off, "all that work, gone!"

Second, "did they get to keep the yarn? How many ball winders were involved? And, just awesome!"

For the first time in a while, I don't feel like the use of knitting or yarn/wool is gimmicky. I think that this commercial verges on art.

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